The MGA With An Attitude
On Sep 2, 2023, Ahmed EL Abasiry from Calgary, AB, Canada wrote:
"I didn't want to paint the wheel wells of my car with any truck bed liner or gravel guard, etc since they were originally body color. But with a white car, it gets dirty very quickly, plus stone chips thrown by the wheels will quickly develop rust spots. Moss makes a wheel well liner for the MGB (which I have in my MGB) and it is an excellent product. But, unfortunately, nothing for the MGA. I thought of finding some wheel well liners from a scrapped car that may fit the MGA with little modification. So, here's what I came up with.

I made a cardboard template for the front and rear wheel wells.
I went scouring the scrap yard and after spending several hours (yes, I am stubborn!), I came up with I what I thought a good candidate for the front wheels. These are the rear wheel liners from a Ford Flex, which according to the pattern may work for the front wheel wells in the MGA. -- Test Fit.

Use the Ford Flex liners in the opposite side on the MGA, means use the RH liner from the Flex in the LH side of the MGA and so on. I found they fitted better this way and needed minimal cutting.

I found I can use the lower bolt of the frame extension to hold the liner at the front. And used an existing hole in the mud shield to hold the back.

I also cut a small section around the shock absorber arm. That's all I had to cut from the liner to make it fit.

After I drilled the liner and trimmed the excess, I removed it and sprayed the wheel wells with cavity wax for protection. It's a very good product and easily removed with Alcohol if necessary. I left it to dry for a day until final assembly. I tested the liner for wheel turning range to make sure it doesn't foul with the steering, etc. Also, it doesn't cover any service parts.

Now for the rear, another trip to the scrap yard and I found a couple of candidates. Saturn Ion or Dodge Caliber. I picked those from a Saturn Ion. The rear liners needed a bit more work than the front. I trimmed as needed and attached the liner with the same two #10 screws which hold the front mud shield. And attached the liner on the rear with the lower bolt holding the rear mud shield
Installed after spraying some wax. With the wheel on, you can hardly tell there is a liner behind.