The MGA With An Attitude
The stainless steel door trims at the edge of the carpet in the MGA Coupe seem to be currently unavailable.
At 08:51 PM 4/22/06, Cliff Jones wrote:
"A friend with a BGT said they were installed on his car also, looked in Moss, I found listed (part # 457-240) seal retainer they are 27 1/2" long the ones in the MGA coupe in 27 3/4" long I ordered a set they will arrive this week, I will let you know if they work."
At 07:15 AM 4/27/06,Cliff Jones wrote:
"The weather seal hold down strips I ordered from Moss cat. (MGB-MGC) will work great on the MGA coupe after the bend is added for the curve at the back section."

Photo supplied by Andy Preston, California, USA.
On February 24, 2015, Jim Cheatham in Amelia, VA, USA wrote:
"Today, I cleaned up the right side door seal retainer strip that I bought. This coupe-only part is no longer available and is not being made as an aftermarket part due to its limited demand".

On Sep 30, 2016, Bob K in northern Virginia USA wrote:
"Moss part 457-240 retainer door sill for an MGB. Those are the SS pieces from Moss for the MGB GT. The new part is 3/4 shorter than the original. The profiles are close but not perfect. I plan to run it through the bead roller to get the nice curved radius and then the shrinker stretcher to get the slight upward bend".