The MGA With An Attitude
Photos and notes compliments of Mark Wellard in Australia
The pictures are taken from an original black coupe that was purchased in Australia (imported from the UK) by a friend of the second owner. The second owner purchased the car in 1964 and in 1974 it was put on blocks. The interior is red, including the carpets and furflex door seal.
The attached pictures show that the front floor carpet forward of the seats was bound on all edges, rather than just the cutout around the chassis on roadsters. There were two lift-the-dot fasteners at the front of this carpet section and the rear edge was held in place by the seat rails (second picture). The rear carpet section was not bound, as seen in the roadsters.

In the picture above, you can see the bound edge of the front carpet and the seat rails holding it in place.

The battery cover carpet was bound on all edges with the front edge binding extending to wrap around the front lip of the battery cover as shown above. Front edge of battery cover showing vinyl wrap and un-bound edges of rear floor carpet.