The MGA With An Attitude
SPEAKER GRILLE or Blanking Plate for MGA Dash -- DT-111

Click on image for image outline only. If you can set your printer to the correct scale factor to make the noted dimensions come out right, you can print this page (or image) to produce a cutting template for the MGA speaker grille or speaker blanking plate. Note: "Fit to page" probably does not work for printing full scale.
Addendum May 22, 2020:

We now have a CAD drawing for the outline of the blanking plate, compliments of Robert Levert in Ada, Michigan, USA. This file will not open in a browser window. Right click on the image or link and select "Save Link As" to download the drawing file in DXF format (Drawing Interchange Format). This file can be imported into AutoCAD or DraftSite or any program that will accept a CAD format 2D drawing. This can be used to generate an output file for water jet or laser cutting.