The MGA With An Attitude
TIMING METER for Mechanical Ignition Distributors - IG-300
This page is an introduction to the following 93 page PDF document contributed by Frodo Irrxsom from Tromso, Norway. It is significantly over my head as a mechanical-electrical guy (not much into electronics). But if you are electronics oriented, there seems to be enough information here to build and install the entire electronic unit for digital read-out and data logging for a mechanical distributor. It is originally based on a Lucas DM2 distributor, as used in the MGA, so this seemed like a good place to post it in a public domain.
On November 15,2023, Frodo Irrxsom wrote: :
"I would like to contribute the attached PDF detailing the official final version of my ignition timing meter / datalogger to your site for posterity. Sections of this project have been distributed informally around BMC-based clubs for years but your site is its logical home given that it is designed around the Lucas DM2 and the MGA as its basis. It is written for electronics hobbyists but is often constructed as a joint effort between club members. It is distributed under GNU public license and is fully self-contained (no FAQ support required)".
Best regards,
F. ("Frodo") Irrxsom
Tromso, Norway
Timing meter for mechanical ignition distributors

© copyright Frodo Irrxsom 2003-2023

Synopsis: A set of instruments and sensor schemes is presented for the accurate measurement of ignition timing and the vacuum / centrifugal timing advance of mechanical ignition distributors in both bench testing and on-road use.
Published here by permission of the author.
Click for the PDF copy of
TIMING METER for Mechanical Ignition Distributors
(7-MB file size)