The MGA With An Attitude
On 3/5/2015, Jim Cheatham in Amelia, Virginia USA wrote:
"I went to the local NAPA Paint Store yesterday and asked them to match the paint color on the inside of my original Wingard dash mirror. The area was too small for them to computer match it so they picked what I think is a very close match from their paint samples. According to the label, it is called Blaze Gold Metallic for a 2000 Honda. I have attached pictures showing my original mirror housing before I bead blasted it, another one after I bead blasted it, one after I repainted it, and a couple comparing my original Wingard mirror housing to a new Moss reproduction mirror. I need to buy new semi-tubular rivets to reattach the plate on the inside that holds the swivel ball in place. I will then reattach the new mirror glass from the Moss repro and bend the tabs back down.

Moss repro - Original Wingard
Inside of shell

Moss repro - Original Wingard
Outside of shell

Original Wingard before striping

NAPA paint

At right, original Wingard mirror shell after stripping and after painting.
On May 17, 2022 Nick Kopernik in Western, CT, USA wrote:
"One thing that I really wanted to do was to try to get the paint color as close as possible to original. Now in pic #1 the Moss color is on the left, Scarborough Faire (SF) on the right, the original Wingard color in the center, and on the bottom, the color I ultimately chose for my mirror. The Moss color was too light to my eyes, the SF is a bit darker, but neither really came close to original. Surprisingly, Rustoleum Metallic “Champagne Bronze” fit the bill".
