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The Power of Wishful Thinking
These are some examples of "Diamond in the Rough" cars that may or may not someday be restored. Some are of course much more "rough" than others. I will attempt to to post links to progress reports and success stories when available.
RT-301 - Doable?
On Oct 31, 2009, Marty Davoren in Camden, Arkansas, USA wrote: Is it doable? Went to see this in the woods. It's a 1500 but could not open the hood for we were skeptic of critters.

RT-302 - Extreme
Stan Watkins drug this one out of the woods in July 2006. See before and after photos with restoration notes.

RT-303 - Digging Out
John Larsen in Lynden, WA, USA recruited some special equipment to pull this one out when the wheels were locked up.
RT-304 - Bent Coupe
Basil Adams near Sears Point, USA managed to restore this one.
RT-305 - PSJ 903 Rebuild
From a 38-year barn find in California to like new in the UK in 16 months, Steve Guiles has one to love.

RT-306 - "Deluxe" Hiding in the Weeds
James Kirkland in Fort Worth, Texas is going to have a try at this one.
RT-307 - Waiting for 30 Years
"In 1982, I drove into the garage and turned off the key. From what I remember, it was in pretty good shape and everything worked. Do you think 4 years is a pipe dream"?

RT-308 - Good restration project?
Just needing a few parts and some TLC.

RT-309 - Would you try to save this one?

RT-310 - Pete Newton. Deerpark. TX.

RT-311 - Bob Krzywicki, Arlington, VA
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General Restoration Information.
MGA Body Sill Replacement.
Important Restoration Projects.
The Power of Wishful Thinking.
Panels That Fit, or Don't Fit.
Body Panels, Repair, Replacement, Welding.