The MGA With An Attitude
Shock Absorber REFRESHING - FS-129
On 12/19/2012, Gary Kastelic wrote:
"My 'new' 56 was sitting outside taken apart and in boxes in Arkansas for 20 Years. I'm sending you a few pictures and procedure on what I did on the two fronts.

Removed 55 years of build-up by scraping and wire wheel, taped shaft seal to help keep direct blast grit out, sand blasted complete assembly, then disassembled front plate and removed valve (mine had 4 shim washers under the spring, valve so watch out when removing). I did not change the internal valve adjustment spring setting as they were soldered in place.

Cleaned out body and valve in parts washer making sure cylinders and valve orifices were clean. Replaced the 2 O-rings inside each valve, then cut new cork gaskets, dried unit and reassembled.
Added Lucas Hydraulic fluid and put on plate in vise working all the air out. Took quite a while till arm was moving smoothly over entire arch adding a little oil at a time. Note: Dead spot was in the middle travel until all air removed from cylinders so be patient.
Cleaned sealed unit for paint, covered aluminum body, primed/painted arm gloss black. I used stainless steel brush to polish aluminum body and put on 2 coats exterior spar Urethane (I like the aluminum look but can paint black).
Mounted shocks with 4 stainless (course thread) bolts and lock washers. Units now seem to be very smooth. If they leak too badly when back on the road will look into the professionally rebuilt sealed units, but I have more time than money and not enough of either.
Got the Lucas Universal Hydraulic fluid Product # 10017 ISO = 60 SAE = 20 at Autozone for 19.95 a gallon".