The MGA With An Attitude
REBOUND STRAPS, Home Made Replacements -- RS-115
On December 15, 2016, Doug Widnall in Ormond Beach, Florida would like to share a new part which he has assembled himself. This is an MGA rear axle rebound strap made from Kevlar fiber strap and a pair of bolted clamps, which is derived from materials used in professional exercise equipment (think Nautilus). I'm sure it will work very well.

It takes 15 inches of strap for each part. The strap is a few dollars per foot, and the clamps a couple dollars each, all parts off the shelf and not very expensive. His source for these materials was National Gym Supply. There are multiple distribution centers but this one was at 5500 W 83rd St, Los Angeles, CA 90042 - Ph: 310-410-4200. Must see if we can find the part numbers.
On 5/21/2017, Doug Widnall wrote:
"I finally have the part numbers for my Kevlar belt and clamps.
All from
Clamp end, 8 required .... 24000422
Nut, 8 required................. 24000370
Screw, 8 required............. 24006735
Belt, 30-inches required .. 24004397 (Sold by foot - Buy 3 feet)
Total cost is about $103 plus shipping.
