The MGA With An Attitude
REBOUND STRAPS, Home Made Replacements #2 -- RS-116
Aug 1, 2019, Bob Shafto in New Hudson, MI, USA wrote:
"When I restored my 1960 1600 Roadster four years ago, I broke 4 before I even got the body on the car. I won't go into the hassle and grief I got from the suppliers but finally made my own that look just like the originals. I tried cotton and nylon, but liked polypropylene the best, and it is supposed to the strongest. The cotton was too thick, nylon too thin, poly about right .087". I dissected my original strap (was delaminating anyway) to see how it was folded on the ends.

1. Make a fixture. Two pieces of 1-1/2" aluminum strap 10-3/4" long. Drill 3/8" holes 8-1/2" apart. Cut 2 pieces of 3/4" steel conduit and cut one side of each length wise. Two 3/8"x2" bolts and nuts, two sleeves 1/2" OD, 3/8" ID, two pieces of 3/4" hard wood 7-3/4" long rounded on the end. 1 tube black E6000 glue (Shoe Goo or similar rubber based adhesive).
2. Assemble the fixture without the top, nuts and wood. Fold the ends as shown, glue and clamp using the conduit clamps. Let this set over night. By folding the ends you create the extra layers necessary to end up with 5 layers all around.

3. Remove the conduit clamps then assemble the top plate with nuts. This keeps the webbing straight as you wrap and glue. Wrap the poly end to end gluing as you go total of 5 1/4 wraps. Complete the sandwich by adding the wood and clamps.
4. When this is dry, disassemble the fixture and remove the sleeve. Then find someone with a heavy duty sewing machine and sew length wise along the edge and across the end as close as you can get.
5. cover the entire strap with a thin coat of E6000 and your good to go.

Note: if you don't sew the edges it will delaminate when flexed. If anyone knows of a process for impregnating the strap with rubber (like the original was) please let me know". -- Regards, -- Bob

Here the car is on a frame lift, so the straps are supporting the hanging rear axle.