The MGA With An Attitude
PULLERS For All Occasions (Standard tools) - TS-123
This tool can be slid behind a ball bearing (or inner race of a roller bearing), then tightened to pull the bearing forward a bit on the shaft. Tapped holes on the face of the tool allow use of threaded rod or bolts for pulling. A must if you expect to save the bearing to use again. Do internet search for sources, sometimes under $30-USD.
MGA does not originally have a harmonic balancer, but MGB does, and someone might install an MGB engine in the MGA or just install the MGB harmonic balancer on the MGA engine. It is important to use this type puller for the harmonic balancer to avoid destroying the vulcanized rubber bonding joint between central hub and outer ring. This puller can find many more uses, like pulling a steering wheel or the flywheel on a small engine, anything that has two or three tapped holes in the face for pulling. It may also be used in conjunction with the bearing separator above to pull a ball bearing off a shaft, such as the main bearings in the differential carrier. As you find more uses you may buy more bolts with different threads and different lengths.

No sense getting too exotic for a simple job of pulling out a glass tube fuse. If you can't get it out with your fingers, this tool is as cheap as they come and easy to pack in the traveling tool kit.

. PITMAN ARM PULLER (Steering arm)
This looks like a specialty tool, and it is. However, being a heavy duty form of a simple puller it may be adapted to other tasks. For instance, I have used it for pulling the tach drive gear from an MG engine camshaft.
Pulls almost anything like a hammer in reverse. Good for pulling axle half shaft, bearing hub, gears, engine bearing caps, shaft seals, even fender dents. Attachments include inside and outside 2-jaw and 3-jaw puller, hub puller, ViceGrip fixture, dent puller, screw puller, hook. You can pull with anything you can attach to the threaded rod. For more information see article TS-117
These come on a variety of sizes, very common and some very cheap. This set of three was recently from Harbor Freight for $19.95-USD total. Reversible arms for inside or outside pulling.
A local auto parts store may have this one available as a loaner tool.
