The MGA With An Attitude
Restoring 1600-Type Side Curtains - FABRIC COVER - TT-213
This pattern is compliments of Cliff Behrend in Tualatin, Oregon, USA. Expect pictures later.

Tech info from Todd Clarke (Clarke Spares And Restorations) shows the side curtain fabric cover as seven separate pieces stitched together.
On May 5, 2023, Alexander R, from Bathgate, West Lothian, UK wrote:
"I have the original side screens from my 1600 Tourer; there are indeed seven pieces of fabric. Only the covering for the front upright is a wrap. The coverings for the rest of the frame consist of two pieces of fabric, one for each side of the frame, stitched together. -- Don't forget that the covering material is much thinner than the material used for the hood and tonneau covers".