The MGA With An Attitude
Modified MGA Cars - VT-107F
Drop Head Coupe
This one comes from Safety Fast! January 1982. The MGA 1600 MkII coupe is (was) owned by a Londoner. It was maintained at Moto-Build of Hounslow who also did the conversion. The idea was to chop off the top and add a hood and frame to make a Drop Head Coupe, but the execution proved quite difficult.
On 1/15/2012, Edward Vandyk in the UK wrote:
"We recently corresponded about wind up windows for drop heads. I asked Graham Davis at MotorBuild what happened to the first car he converted. He told me that the car still exists, is in Poland and the owner, Ron Zoltowski, brings it over each year to the Wimbledon Tennis Championships. Graham says he last saw the car in 2011".
AH-HA! A modern siting.
In July 2012 Ian Prior spotted the car and took these pictures in Oxford, England. He wrote: "I was just taking a walk along the Thames and stumbled across the MGA parked next to the river. A very neat conversion. It just goes to show you need to keep your eyes open all the time". -- Ian

Addendum, 7/11/2014:
These photos and link sent by Craig Allinson:
The owner, Roman Zoltowski, is the official engraver for the Wimbeldon trophy. He drives this car each year from Poland to Winbledon, England.

On 10/22/2014, Roman Zoltowski wrote:
"Trust you to dig it up! And thank you for the links. I have owned the A since '69 and it has never been crashed or had a body off restoration. Until the recent misfire, it has been absolutely reliable and even got me to London from Dover when the engine "blew up" some years ago. Fitted a reconditioned engine at Cox and Buckles in London and ran it in on the way back to Poland". -- Roman