The MGA With An Attitude
Modified MGA Cars - VT-107FB
Hotrod Surfer. Definitely an MGA chassis and engine in this sixties vintage hot rod. See Literature for the original published article in Mechanix Illustrated, June 1968.
Frank Chance of Richmond Hill, Georgia found the gentleman who built the original car, Mr Capotosto (now in his 90's). That gent said that as far as he knew, his was the only one ever built. Well now Frank is building another one this time with a touch more hot rodding, starting with a more modern V6 engine.

Stay tuned, as we may get more photos as the work progressess.
Meanwhile, Frank Chance (fchance61 at would like to know if anyone in the world might have a copy of the original plans that were published (for sale) by the magazine in 1968?
Something similar selling on Craigs List Detroit in October 2015:
