The MGA With An Attitude
British Car Festival, Palatine, IL - (September 11 2022)
Sunday, September 11, 2022:
British Car Festival today in Palatine, Illinois. There was an email message sent out yesterday warning of impending rain for most of the day, especially during hours of the car show. I suppose that scared away a lot of people and show cars. I think there were four contracted food vendors, and they were all no-shows. Not a harsh downpour, just normal kind of rain pretty much all day. Hard to blame people for staying away. I think much of the "fog' in these pictures is due to fogging of the camera lens, not so much heavy rain. I had to keep wiping the lens to get auto-focus to work.
Gotta start somewhere, and this is the beginning of the MG aisle. In the first picture there is one MG TF on the left, and one MG YB saloon on the right. Half way up on the right is my MGA along with two more. From the other end some MGB are visible. Not sure what the Spitfire was doing in this line, except I think it was traveling with two MG next to it. Three MG Midgets staged at the far end of the second aisle.

One of the Midget soon left, but there was a 4th one on the other side of the berm. Then getting into the specialty car isle (odd singes). I thought these cars would be much moe visible in the pictures.

Aston Martin below left. The car that looks like a Lotus 7 is a more modern successor. And a Rover 3500.
Jowett Jupiter and a Triumph Herald
Nash Metropolitan, Ford Cosworth Twin Cam, TVR 280I.

Lots of Land Rovers seem to like this weather. The Rolls Royce contingent

A fair showing of Lotus.

Aston Martin. A very nice Sunbeam Talbot 90 MK 2A.

Bunch of Minis, old and new.
Three Morris Minor, two woody's and a Coupe.

Then up the Jaguar isle. Plenty of those, old and new.

Two big Healeys on display from Sport Specialty. The one in the trailer was an immaculate AH 100.
We are commonly last to leave, as there is often one car not wanting to start to go home. Sure enough Dino Perez' MGB was stumped. It wanted to start, but would run maybe 10 seconds and die with no spark, over and over again. Bypassing the ignition switch with a jumper wire made no difference. Give it up and admit the Pertronics unit is dead. No problem, just pull a spare distributor out of the Magic Trailer, pop that in there and follow him home to Lake In The Woods.
