The MGA With An Attitude
at Park City Welcome Center, Kimball Junction, Utah
Good morning. It took a while to sink in that Park City Welcome Center is actually in Kimball Junction, Utah, while Park City is just a stone's throw around the corner of the mountain. This place was location for the 2002 Winter Olympics. We arrived about half hour early, and not obvious yet where the cars should be parked, so we went to Hugo Coffee for breakfast (actually inside of the welcome center). Then someone said the cars were parked half a block down the hill, so I rolled the car down that direction and found a place to park it in the crowd (while navigator was hanging out at the welcome center with their wonderful WiFi). Cars and Coffee ran from 9-am to about noonish. My dirty MGA with the trailer and travel stickers got a lot of attention this time. The only picture I got showing the MGA was the third one here with a bit of the car showing at top center of the picture.

I thought the VW Thing was leaving, but he was just relocating a bit farther down the hill, to be seen again later. Bit of a hodgepodge parking, but some of the similar models like to park together. I would too, if there were any similar, but not much today. Mostly newer (modern) cars, but there were a few vintage cars, if you look hard enough.

Once I got past the Jeep and other big American trucks, there were a couple Land Rover, and a Lotus or two.

Lamborghini and Ferrari, plenty of those. Some of the sport-utes were likely just visitors come to look and chat (or maybe escort vehicles for some of the less reliable toys). Buy hay, we're all car people.

Now we're getting somewhere. 1964 Pontiac GTO 6-pack. The owner said it had a '65 rally dash when he bought it, and had to change it back to the proper '64 dash. But then hey, there was another GTO, a hardtop this time. It peaked my interest because I knew someone who bought one of these new while I was still in high school.

Here's an expensive one. A 2005 Nobel M12 GTO 3R, mid engine rear wheel drive twin turbo 24-valve V6, 360-HP, under 2500 pounds. How fast can you say "stupid fast"? We like things that we don't see very often. -- And there was the Thing again lower on the hill. The guys were chatting about how to install a front tow hitch, but needing some rust repairs to the front subframe first.

As the show was breaking up I got to chat with a fellow who has a 1970 Datsun 510 "Bluebird" (as they were known in Japan). This one actually had the Bluebird emblem on the side, which I had never seen before. The car was for sale (but I'm not buying). We got to chat for a while about the heritage relationship between Datsun and MG (Austin) cars. This one has a 1500 engine with overhead cam, 96-HP at 5600 RPM, not bad.
