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The Rallye Corner
What would you like to do in your MG in 2003?
There are so many of you out there it seems a pity more of you don’t show up for our driving events. Surely some of those MGs still run! If not, please see the classified ad section. These cars are so much fun to drive it would be a shame to leave yours in the garage all summer.
Last season’s Spring and Fall tours will be repeated in 2003.
There will be an interesting variety of rallies including a repeat of my infamous airport rally.
I hope that we will be able to get a few more autocrosses to happen this year. We are always looking for good places to hold an autocross, so if you have a lead for us, please let me know.
What more can we do? Well, NAMGBR is holding their annual convention in St Louis on June 19-22 with a theme of “Route 66: The Mother Road.” I think we could put together a self-guided tour of Route 66 sites with directions and landmarks to look for that could be used to break up the mind-numbing monotony of driving I-55. Any ideas to share? I am sure many of you have done this before and could help make this happen.
Anything more? I am open to ideas, even if you don’t feel comfortable following through. On the other hand, if you would like to do some of the work to help bring an event to life, volunteers are always welcome!
You can email me at drivingevents@chicagolandmgclub.com or leave me a message at (847)588.8090.
Keep driving those MGs - David Lieb