Chicagoland MG Club

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Thanks to Tom and Judy Josefek for staging another outstanding Land's End Rally. In addition to one's map reading and routing skills being put to the test, the weather provided plenty of opportunities for those in open cars to practice erecting and stowing their hoods. (un?)Fortunately Deb and I were in our tin-top (GT) so we missed out on that part of the day's fun.
Hope that those of you who made it to the June meeting enjoyed the presentation on auto detailing by Gary Kouba from Perfect Auto Finish. If you need more information, be sure to check his website at www.perfectautofinish.com. I expect that all the MGs at the Abingdon car show to have mirror like finishes. That silky-smooth surface on your car will cut down on air resistance and make it run that much faster at the lunchtime laps at Road America or the Famous Abingdon Gymkhana. Well, maybe not, but at least when you break down the tow driver won't laugh quite so loudly.
By the way, for those of you who may be wondering how Kyle did against the old boy at the family go-kart night, let me just remind you of that saying about old age and treachery verses youth. Better luck to him next time.