Lucas Memorial Night Rally
August 31, 2002
To all you MGers that did not participate in the Lucas Night Rally, you missed a great one! Although my wife and I have participated in only three rallies, this one included, we really had a ball. With a time limit, a large area to cover and no route instructions we decided to go with our gut feeling and follow the main roads to cover as much ground as we could, that was the key to our success.

Being one of the underdogs 7 MG's to 10 Miatas, not concerned that our car was 26+ years old, and stopping in Algonquin to find one my brothers along the way, we were still able to pull off the 1st place win, it was so unbelievably awesome we could not believe we won. Hope to see more MG's next year.
Thank you David Leib for another great rally that we enjoyed very much.
Safety Fast, Sincerely,
David & Sandra Ransom, Jr.
Driver Navigator Car Score Odo Time Penalty points
Dave Ransom Sandra Ransom MGB White 230 51 2:07 -4 17
Roger Goebert Shirley Goebert MGB Yellow? 216 49 2:05 -2 16
Kevin Sheldon Vicki Sheldon MGB Green 208 53 1:51 0 14
Paul Urquhart Cindy Urquhart MGA Red 207 43 1:45 0 14
Russ Fitch MGB Green 169 50 2:08 -4 13
Wade Keene Glynis Keene MGB Green 158 52 1:54 0 12
Barney Gaylord Elliot Gaylord MGA Red -6 0 2:15 -6 0
Neil Krus Barb McCutcheon Miata Black 216 61 1:56 0 15
Gene Brooks Linda Brooks Miata Gray 204 72 2:18 -8 16
Jim Tracy Carol Tracy Miata Blue 180 54 2:04 -2 13
Tom Fricke Joan Fricke Miata Black 165 57 2:19 -8 13
Sue Jensky Jim Smith Miata Silver 160 57 2:13 -6 13
Jeffrey Simon Marilyn Nance Miata Red 156 36 1:42 0 11
Jim Osburn Anne Osburn Miata White 128 62 2:07 -4 10
Tim Joos Deb Joos Miata Green 113 49 2:03 -2 9
Tim Martin Pat Marcus Miata Red 105 56 2:07 -4 8