The Steering Column

I can’t believe that it is coming to the end of another year. October is a very special month for the club. It is our 26th year anniversary and it is the beginning of the nomination process for the 2003 officers. The next two monthly meetings should be educational (some good speakers) as well as entertaining. If you have not been to a monthly meeting in awhile now is the perfect time to come by.
I have enjoyed being the president for the last two years and am not planning on running away. However, I believe that it is time for someone new to step up and help direct the club activities. If you are not ready to run, look around and find someone that may be. Sometime between now and our next meeting ask that individual if they would be interested in running. If so, nominate him or her. This is a great organization and there is always someone around to lend a helping hand.
Speaking of a helping hand. We still need help with the Driveline and the WEB.
Until next month (or driving event) "Safety Fast" to all of you.
Dave (Cowboy) Bralich