September 17, 2007
Chairman Jim Evans called the meeting to order at 8:05 PM and welcomed the following new members:
Ed Pawlos - ’72 MGB
Bob Hanselman – ’51 MGTD
John & Juliana Kearns – ’80 MGB LE
Tony Muzereus – ’73 MGB
Jake Snyder noted that he a problem with new NAPA points (matching part numbers) stuck open.
Seth Jones has a steering rack issue requiring major attention (especially if you want to turn).
Barney Gaylord is looking for a headlight switch for his MGA
Dave Ransom did an alternator conversion (Saturn equipment), had to change out the pulley which was no problem.
Russ Mehaffey (did you know he had an oil leak problem?) is gathering necessary parts to perform Barney Gaylord’s “crankshaft rear seal”. Watch for more information on this winter Tech Session.
The Orphan Car Show & Picnic (8/26) was postponed due to weather then cancelled on the rain make up date due to the grounds being flooded.
Autocross at Melrose Park on 8/25 – Barney Gaylord has a link on his website to a YouTube video….of him of course.
British Car Festival on 9/9 – preceding this was the Healey Rally (crossword puzzle theme) on 9/8 attended by 13 cars. The Festival had 478 cars participating with more parked in the spectator lot (?). Cowboy noted this wasn’t the largest show but was well-participated relative to other area shows recently. Cowboy also noted the British Car Union welcomes anyone to its meetings. Meeting are held on the 3rd Wednesday (7-9 PM) each month beginning January at Mr. Beef & Pizza, Rt. 83 north of Dempster in Mt. Prospect.
Wisconsin Wine, Cheese & Beer Tour (9/14-16) had 20 people attend dinner on Friday night and 43 on Saturday night. There were a total of 21 cars in this 3rd annual event – 16 MG’s, 2 Triumphs (TR6’s that were allowed to join the group) and 3 member’s daily-drivers: Mini Cooper, Caddy and Jag . Many thanks were given to John & Ann Schroeder for organizing yet another fabulous tour!
9/30 – Autocross at Lake County Fairgrounds
9/29-30 – Lake Geneva poker run
10/13 – Morris Garages Rally for MG Bucks – check the club website for details on starting point and other details
10/14 – Lion’s Car Show at Morris, IL – also for MG Bucks and check website for details
10/28 – Cowboy will host a Fall Tune-down and Chili party at his house from 10AM to 4PM – watch the website for more details
11/22 – Cruise to the Rock – Ann Snyder will be updating the Club on this annual event and its history over the next couple months
12/1 – CMGC Holiday Party – mark your calendars for this great party featuring (?) the Abingdon Players and Singing Magnettes. Cost is $26.00/person. Check the Driveline and website for reservation forms and be sure to make your reservations in time!
Club Project Car – will receive paint the week of 9/17 and will be given a week’s rest for curing – check the website.
Newsletter – Bill Reece is assisting Barney on an interim basis and they are checking into new software to help in publication.
Natter ‘n Noggin – Reinout is checking into a new location for these events. We are still meeting on 2nd Tuesdays at McNally’s until further notice
Parts donation – a generous member has donated parts for CMGC’s disposal – whether through auction, use on the project car or otherwise. There will be an inventory day at the Club’s storage locker in Addison on 9/22.
Membership – Victor reported our membership is currently at 267 (through British Car Festival sign-up).
Library – Wilbur reported one new book in the library and welcomes everyone to partake in the Club’s offering.
Regalia – Dave Ransom encouraged everyone to add to their MG-stuff collection!
(somewhat) Respectfully Submitted, in Secretary Doug Clark’s absence, - -Russ