The Passenger Seat
What a party! Did you recognize all/any of the charter members? We all are glad that they started this thing and are happy that it is going in the directions that it is. Aren’t we?
Well now is the time to step forward and drive the Roadster. If you would like to hold the steering wheel put your name in nomination and run for any office. All offices are open. You too could be an officer. You could do this column. You too could ramble on aimlessly.
Please remember that at the November meeting nominations for all offices will be taken. Come and nominate yourself, have a friend nominate you, or nominate a friend. Elections will be held via mail in the December newsletter. Get nominated, get elected, and help direct this organization into the future.
As an aside, I once belonged to a club that when nominations were held anyone leaving the room was elected. Please look for that ballot, fill it out, and mail it back. Become part of the electoral process.
Ray Glorioso