The Steering
Left Hand Drive
The beginning of the New Year is generally a time to reflect on the past year and the first thing that I want to reflect on, is one of our own: Larry Daniels who passed away on December 15. It would be appropriate for those of you who knew him to remember the good times we shared together and to enjoy a good brew in his honor. His sense of humor will endure with us along with a picture of Larry and his special partner, Mary Hanson riding along in his green MG Midget. May he rest in peace.
The Christmas party was well attended and as you can see from the pictures throughout the Driveline, a good time was had by all. Reinout Vogt did a great job of handling the driving awards and I believe that he has started a new tradition for the Christmas party. Jim and Lois Evans did a super job with the Abingdon Players so much creativity. And Ralph Arata did a great job on decorating the room. Dave and Lisa Novak also donated cash to raise the quality and quantity to the door prizes given out. Also thanks to Victor L’Heureux for emceeing the evening. Thanks to all!! It really was a great party.
This past year was a very active year for our club and 2014 looks to be very active as well. Our first event in January is the annual train trip to Detroit where this year the group will be visiting the North American International Car Show. See our web site for more details on the trip. It looks to be lots of fun. The next big event for the club is the Swap Meet that is being held at the end of March this year instead of the end of February. So planning for this event is now in the early stages as the Driveline goes to press. Make sure that you hold this date, March 30 on your calendar as we always need lots of volunteers to make this a continued success and money maker for the club. This will be the 18th year for having this event.
Of course the election results of club officers will be announced at our January meeting along with a presentation by Doug Clark on his experiences with his insurance company over flood damage to his MGs. For the February meeting we will be holding our annual business meeting and presentation of club awards. As you can see we are off on our way to another fun filled year. Remember to follow us on Facebook and our web site.
Remember—Safety Fast!