Take a look at your mailing label. If it shows "2016," we haven't yet received you dues.
Just clip the renewal form in this issue of the newsletter or use the pre-addressed return envelope provided in this month’s issue of Driveline.
Yearly membership with an electronic version of the club newsletter eDriveline…. $30.
Yearly membership with a printed version of Driveline mailed to you………… …. $35.
Fill in the requested information and send with your check payable to CMGC to:
Chicagoland MG Club PO Box 455, Addison, IL 60101
Membership Application and Renewal
Dues and registration:
Yearly membership with an electronic version of the club newsletter eDriveline…. $30.
Yearly membership with a printed version of Driveline mailed to you………… …. $35.
Make your check payable to: Chicagoland MG Club
Mail your payment to: Chicagoland MG Club PO Box 455, Addison, IL 60101
Include the following with your dues. We will use this information to update our membership directory.
Name:___________________________________ Spouse or Partner:_______________________________
Address:_______________________________________ Email:___________________________________
City, State and Zip:_______________________________________________________________________
Home Phone:______________________ Cell Phone: ______________________