Chicagoland MG Club: Driveline February 2019

books Library Muse

I need some help. No, not psychiatric; owning old British cars that goes without saying. But assistance with the club archives. For several weeks I have been re-organizing them and found that we are lacking materials for the past several years. We don’t have route directions or ‘quizzes’ from tours and rallies, yearly events calendars, group photos taken at club events and that type of thing. If you have anything that you feel should be included in the archives and preserved for posterity, let me know. We do NOT need is past issues of the Driveline

The Allure of Rallies and Tours
By Grundy Insurance, 2018, 84 pages, softbound

This book was suggested by Jim Evans and subsequently donated by our friends at Grundy Insurance. A large portion of this book is blurbs for “fancy” (expensive by our standards) events taking place during 2018, so they are now in the past, but it is nice to see how the other half lives. There are also chapters on organizing tours, what spares to carry, and writing tour directions. Also what tools to bring along. But being a bit of a shade tree mechanic myself, I have found that a cell phone, AAA card and a beverage are all that I need. If the B breaks down, Deb can push it off the road while I sit in the shade of a tree, have a drink, and call AAA to tow it to the mechanic.

Robert Bentley’s Repair Manual for British Cars
By John Organ, 2009, 451 pages, softbound

Another donated book, this time by Dean Hickenlooper. I gave this book a quick scan and it appears to cover most things that a good home mechanic would need to know, including mounting a tire to a rim using tire irons. Yikes, who would want to do that? Plenty of detailed cut-a-way illustrations. Covers a variety of British cars, including MGs.

Let’s have some fun

The photo quiz generated twelve responses, two of which were self-disqualified by their applicants. Contact Ralph Ararta and Jim Evans for more info. The winning entry, picked by my panel of extinguished (typo?) experts was “Yippee. I can see the motel and we made it without breaking down.” Submitted by Jim Renkar, who won an MG mirror. No, not to put on his car, but an engraved wall mirror to hang in his house. And a gift certificate from Moss Motors, which got lost. But don’t worry, my new parts will be arriving soon.

~~ Bill Mennell        

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