Chicagoland MG Club: Driveline April 2019

Monthly Meeting Minutes
March 18, 2019

Victor Lheureux 49 Members in attendance   CMGC President Dean Hickenlooper opened the meeting at 7:04 pm. Dean welcomed Visitors Chris Kolody and Bruce Beal to the meeting. Chris owns a 1979 MGB and a 1974 MG Midget; Bruce owns a 1971 red MGB. Welcome!

  Staff Reports
Library – Bill Mennell
noted there are two new additions to the library: High Performance Hardware talking about the theory of joints, fastener materials, causes and prevention of fastener loosening, linkage components, and much more; and Basic Automotive Measuring Tools and How to Use Them. Both books will be described in the next Driveline.
Membership – Victor L’Heureux noted that we currently have 202 paid members with 50 members still delinquent. We received six new members at the Swap Meet.
Finance – Jim Compton reported the ending balance for the month of March was $8,321 checking, $18,246 savings for a total of $26,567. Final Swap Meet figures are not yet ready.

Swap Meet
Jim Evans
noted that the Swap Meet success was questionable prior to the event. But good weather, last-minute vendor sign-up and a good customer turnout turned the event into a success. There were 58 vendors occupying 80 booths with a car corral of three vintage cars drawing a crowd. Moss Motors again donated some fine regalia that brought in an additional $300 in ticket sales. Although all the expenses have not yet been recorded, it looks like we had a net profit of $1,600 this year.


Car Projects
Pat Guest
will be holding beginner welding sessions in April at his home in Valparaiso IN. It is called Beginner welding since he has no idea how to do it but has a number of welding projects on his car and is asking anyone interested in learning with him to contact him at 219.718.7718. The scheduled dates are April 6-7, April 13-14, and April 27
Dave Bralich noted the Spring tune-up will be held on April 28. See the Driveline for details.

Guest Speaker
John Twist
of University Motors fame was our guest speaker this month. John had a slide presentation describing the formation of University Motors and the trial & tribulations in this venture.

  Break/ 50:50 raffle – CMGC member Steve Sparks was the winner of $26, and Ray Harris was the winner of a metal Mug.

Driving Events
Past Events
(detail summaries of these events are in this issue of Driveline issue)
March 17 - Swap Meet – (see above info from Jim Evans)

Upcoming Driving/Social Event Schedule (additional details of these events are in the April Driveline issue)
April 20 - Spring Tune-up, Dave Bralich
April 28 – Spring Brunch – limited seating so RSVP is recommended.
May 16-19 — MGs on the Oregon Trail
June 8 – Autocross I with the Windy City Miata Club

With no further business to discuss, President Dean Hickenlooper closed the meeting at 8:28 pm.

Respectfully submitted,
Victor L’Heureux, CMGC Secretary

Welcome New Members!

The officers and members of the Chicagoland MG Club extend a cordial “MG Welcome” to the new member who has joined our club in recent months. We wish you “Safety Fast” and hope you will avail yourself of as many club activities as you can.

Judi Zeman Village of Lakewood IL 1976 maroon MGB
Sigidfredo Teruel Bartlett IL 1977 white MGB
Chris Kolody Wheaton IL 1979 MGB, 1974 MG Midget
Jack Pizzo Claire IL 1967 BRG MG Midget
Tom Hentges Palatine IL 1975 white MG Midget, 1979 black MGB LE
Bruce Beal Lisle IL 1971 red MGB
Dave Neisler New Lenox IL 1978 brg MGB

Note: To any member whose name does not appear above, your application may have missed our deadline.

If you don’t see your name next month, call our Membership Chair, Victor L’Heureux at (847) 533-3912 to verify

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