CMGC Regalia
The driving season is just about to get underway, and it is still not too late to get your personalized Chicagoland MG Club Gear at our own store. It can be found by following the link from our web site or you can type into your web browser address: and you will go directly to our web store that offers a wide variety of items for purchase.
We still have license plate frames available along with a few other items.
There are still a limited number of items available at our club events. One current hot item is the license plate frame that has our club logo and web site information on it. A real buy at $14.
We also have our online store available 24/7 so that you can order customized clothes and other regalia that sport our club logo at
Just to let you know, we will have a a new production run of our current Club Badges soon. Dave Ransom is chasing down the details. Hopefully this will be able to get done in the near future and we can resume selling the car badges with our club logo.
CMGC Name Tags are available to order. If you need a Name Tag, let me know and I’ll but you on the next list. Once we get to 10 on the list, we place the order.
Welcome New Members!
The officers and members of the Chicagoland MG Club extend a cordial “MG Welcome” to the new member who has joined our club in recent months. We wish you “Safety Fast” and hope you will avail yourself of as many club activities as you can.
Julie Welsh | Chicago IL |
Chad Fitzloff | Evanston IL |
Note: To any member whose name does not appear above, your application may have missed our deadline.
If you don’t see your name next month, call our Membership Chair, Dave Novak at (847) 962-2961 to verify