New Directions
Monthly Column of Driving Events
The 2017 Driving Season is underway and we already have four events behind us. Unfortunately, the first two autocrosses were cancelled. The Austin Healey Club lost their site and the Miata Club, wisely, cancelled the May 20 event because of the rain.
Including the Spring Tour, the standings for the overall championship is still close (there is no sense in separating the competitive events yet). With 7 points, Sparky and Jody are tied for 1st with Dean & Kerry Hickenlooper. Sparky’s Midget was out in three of the four events while Dean’s MGB was at two events but their win in the Spring Chicken Run put them at the front. Victor & Penny L’Heureux and Ric & Nancy Maitzen or tied for 2nd place with 6 points while Jim & Lois Evans and George & Jana Phariss are third, with 5 points. Of course, Dean, Jim, and Sparky did get extra points for placing 1st, 2nd, and 3rd in the Spring Chicken Run, but more importantly, they are doing well because they came out to the events. Participating in many events is still the best strategy for scoring high for the Moss Motors Trophy and the Victoria British Trophy.
Talking about participating; newer members sometimes are reluctant to joins us without their MG. Maybe the MG is still under restoration, maybe they are still looking for a MG, or they are a little bit uncomfortable driving their just acquired MG for longer distances. I would encourage everybody to join us for the driving events. There is no better way to learn from other members about the technical problems you may have or about the things you should watch out for when you are purchasing your first MG. And if your new MG would show a reliability problem, what better occasion than a driving event of the MG Clubs of Chicago could it possibly be? With so many experts on hand with tools and parts, we’ll give you all the help we can to get going again. And most important of all, you will be amongst friend, MG friends I might say, who are all looking forward to welcoming you at our driving events.
In the previous issue of this newsletter I wrote about some of the upcoming driving events. Specifically, the Land’s End Rally and theMid-Summer MG Party, and I hope that many of will join us. There is no better way to support the new organizers Dean & Kerry Hickenlooper and Scott Fohrman than to overwhelm them with participants. With MG’s or with OM’s (other makes), I hope to see you at there. You should find the detailed invitations for both events in this issue.
Right after that on Saturday July 23rd, we’ll have the 4th edition of Ray’s Morris & MG Picnic with a garage tour on the way up. The major stop is at the restoration shop of Skip McCabe in Mundelein. We’ll tour the home of award winning Ferraris and other high-end automobiles before we head over to the house of Ray & Mardee Cost in Gurnee for their fabulous, rain or shine, picnic.
And at the end of July we’ll have the 4151 Tour. Remember the 4050 Tour from last year, celebrating the 40th anniversary of the CMGC and the 50th anniversary of the VMGCC? Well, guess what? Both clubs turned one year older and everybody liked the tour and lunch at the Burnham Park Harbor Yacht Club so much that Robert Weinstein & Chris Edmonds are doing another one, now named the 4151 Tour. The invitation in this issue has all information.
Because all three events in July include food, it is very important to RSVP in time so that our hosts know what to expect.
I look forward to hearing from you at or 847 342 9804 with suggestions or questions.
"The more your drive, the more you smile"
-- Reinout Vogt