Chicagoland MG Club: Driveline June 2018

  Monthly Meeting Minutes
May 21, 2018

Victor Lheureux

32 Members in attendance.

  CMGC President Dean Hickenlooper opened the meeting at 8:00 pm. Dean welcomed new member Walt Kreitling, owner of a 1974 gold MGB needing some repair. Dean noted that we as a club can assist in what is needed to get on the road.

Car Projects
Chuck McCallum
will be working on installing rear seals on his 1962 MGA this weekend. All are welcome to help or give moral support.
Seth Jones is assisting Jim Smith with issues with a manifold on his 1974 Midget.
Jim Evans queried the group for interest in organizing a ‘pick-apart session’ in mid-July. It seems he has a 1978 MGB destined for the junk heap, but still has many usable parts. The session would allow members to pick apart any component for their use, The remaining skeleton would then be sent to the scrap heap. There was interest, so Jim will start the process of setting up the event.
Dino Perez is looking for a buyer for his unique MGB limo.

Membership Marketing Update
The CMGC info pamphlet (aka tri-fold) is finished and will be in a short production

Past Events (detail summaries of these events are in this issue of Driveline issue)
May 6 – Spring Chicken Rally
May 12 – Car Safety for Seniors – Jim Vondran gave an overview of the reoccurring event. 82 cars were serviced.


May 18 – Spring Tour- This 1-day event took place in downtown Woodstock after a short tour from Palatine. Excellent day and turnout.

Upcoming Driving/Social Event Schedule (additional details of these events are in this Driveline issue)
June 01-03 – JoDaviess Tour – is in final stages. Still openings available.
June 15 – Highland Games and Car Show.
June 23 -- Land’s End Rally
June 27-31 — GOF - Ray Costa still looking for additional members to assist with this event. Contact him at 217-390-5300.

Jim Compton
noted the 2nd Autocross event will be held on June 9. You will need to sign up via the Miata Club website. Let’s make this year the year of the MG!

Staff Reports
– Treasurer Phil Wydra noted the club is in good shape with $8,646 in checking and $19,241 in savings. For a total of $27,887.

  Break/ 50:50 raffle – CMGC member – Tim Schafer -- was the winner of $20 and donated the winnings to our Barkeeper – Cheryl.

With no further business to discuss, president Dean Hickenlooper closed the meeting at 9:15 pm.

Respectfully submitted,
Victor L’Heureux
CMGC Secretary

books The Library Muse

I know that we all have a liking for old English cars, so I thought that you might enjoy some Olde (middle) English seasonal poetry. Just to broaden, or refresh, your literary education
  Svmer is icumen in
Lhude sing cuccu
Growed sed
And blowed med
And springd de wde nu
Sing cuccu
Summer has arrived
Sing loudly cuckoo
The seed is growing
And the meadow blooming
And the wood is coming into leaf
Sing cuckoo

Or for something a little more modern:
Now is the winter of our discontent
Made glorious summer by this sun of York

That Willie Shakespeare sure had a way with words. No wonder that he is known as The Bard. I am writing this on Memorial Day weekend and the weather is HOT. I am discontented that it’s not about 20 degrees cooler, and one would have to be a little bit cuckoo to be out driving an MG in this blazing sun. But an early weekend morning ‘dawn patrol’ while the traffic is light and before it gets too hot is glorious.

~~ Bill Mennell        

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