New Directions
Monthly Column of Driving Events
The driving events of the MG Clubs of Chicago just closed another busy month: two Autocrosses, the combined Aussie presentation, MG 2016 in Louisville, KY, and the Highland Games. There may be some reports by the organizers or participants in this issue. Looking forward to July, things are calming down a little bit. We’ll have the Miata Autocross III, Garage Tour to Ray’s Morris and MG Picnic and the 40/50 Tour. I wrote already about these in my June column and you’ll find the event details this newsletter.
The month of July sometimes has many non-MG related activities on our household calendars; school vacation, trips, and family picnics and parties, and outdoor concerts. So it may be OK to have only these three events. On the other hand, if you would like to see more driving events, please consider to organize something next year. The Lands’ End Rally
and the Secrets of Jo Daviess County Tour come to mind, but other ideas are just as welcome.
August is going to be quite busy again with another Miata Autocross, Tally Ho Rally, Westmont Crusin’ Night, Lucas Rally, and the VMGCC President’s Picnic. I will also be calling on a few members to help with the Peds in the Weeds picnic on August 7. That is the annual picnic for pediatric cancer patients and families of the Advocate Children’s Hospital in Park Ridge. A fantastic and rewarding opportunity to share our love of old cars with a very special group of young people.
Please let me know if you have any ideas, suggestions, or concerns. I look forward to hearing from you at 847 342 9804 or
"The more you drive, the more you smile".
-- Reinout Vogt