Chicagoland MG Club: Driveline July 2018
Upcoming Events
42/52 Anniversary Tour
July 29, 2018

40/50! 41/51! Now 42/52! Back by popular demand is out third Anniversary Tour. Please plan on participating! It is on July 29 and your organizers Robert Weinstein and Chris Edmonds look forward to your attending.

You will remember last year we paraded through the Coffee & Classics Car Show in downtown Winnetka. This year we will start our tour from the show. This will enable participants to spend time viewing the cars at the show before we start driving. The show is limited to vintage, foreign cars and there are many cars of different marques so arrive early enough them.

The show runs from 9:00 to 11:00 a.m. Our drivers meeting will be at 10:45 and we will leave for downtown at 11:00. Our assembly area will be just north of the show in the municipal parking lot on the west side of Lincoln Avenue. I will park my black TF in the lot to make identification easier. You will need to enter this lot from the north because of the show location. Coffee shops and restaurants in Winnetka will be open for drinks and snacks if you want. We will drive some nearby local roads before again following Sheridan Road and Lakeshore Drive to the Yacht Club.

Arrival at the Burnham Park Yacht Club is scheduled for 12:30 pm where Chris Edmonds will host our buffet style lunch. The price for the lunch is $20 per person and includes burgers, hot dogs, potato salad, chips, cookies for desert, pop, and bottled water. The price is with tax but tips should be added when you close out the check. Alcoholic drinks will be available from the bar in the club house.

To allow the kitchen at the Burnham Park Yacht Club to prepare the food, we hope that you will RSVP with Robert before Sunday the 22rd, at 312 402 1765 or The RSVP should include the name of any co-driver you have, the number of people attending the lunch, the MG model or car that you’ll be driving, and your cell phone number.

For questions about the event, you can contact Robert Weinstein
~~Robert Weinstein  

PEDS in the Weeds
August 5, 2018

Once again, it is time for “Peds in the Weeds”!!

For those of you who don’t know what that is, it is the Children’s Advocate Hospital’s annual picnic for children with cancer. Reinout Vogt asked me to continue the tradition of giving kids rides in our MGs!! I’ve asked a number of people already to help out and bring their car and themselves to give rides. Last year the kids were lined up waiting for rides. It’s always a joy to see the smiles on the kids’ faces as they ride in our cars!!

This is not a driving event and I’ve already asked several people to help. If you have an interest in participating next year, please let me know!!!

~~ Kerry Hickenlooper  

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