Chicagoland MG Club: Driveline August 2019
Feature Event

Arlington Park Race Track
July 14th, 2019
Chicagoland MG Club/Vintage Club

Sunday, July 14th was a PERFECT day for a gathering at Arlington Park Race Track!! The day started out with higher expectations than we anticipated. Tim & I arrived early with cones on hand, to set up the reserved parking area the Arlington Park Management set aside for us. To our surprise, we were directed to the front area of the preferred parking lot with cones already set up to reserve spaces for our beloved MG cars! We didn’t even have to use the cones we brought with us!! A total of 8 MG cars, consisting of (4) Bs, (2) Midgets and (2) TDs parked and showcased their beauties for all those to see!

Tim and I entered the park early to set up and greet the 32 members that participated in this glorious event! Again, Arlington Park management did not disappoint and set up two large tables and chairs in the winner’s circle reserved seating area. The tables were decorated with handmade horseshoe centerpieces and bowls of homemade buttered popcorn, compliments of Tim Schafer!!

The ATM was busy today!

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