Chicagoland MG Club: Driveline August 2019
Special Event

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The weather improved a little bit and Emma was the only prewar MG that made it out to the Bowling Green headquarters and factory of Holley Performance Products. Emma was also the very last car to arrive there because we had to seek shelter, under large trees, a few times for the scattered showers. We saw the production of their famous 4-barrel carbs but photography was not allowed on most of the tour. The day ended back in Bill and Sarah’s 'museum’ garage for a Tom Wilson’s presentation about the restoration of his 11 prewar MGs, simultaneously (yes, you read that right, eleven MMMs, all at the same time). We saw how he purchased the cars, started the process in a commercial building, and later added enough space at his house to store the 11 frames, body parts, engines, gear boxes etc. etc. Hopefully we’ll get to hear progress reports at the next couple Annual MMM Meets as he estimates that he whole thing will take five years.

The following day was National Corvette Museum day (NCM). We first went to the NCM Motorsport Park were the fast cars could do a few hot laps on the 3 mile road course. Here are the three six-cylinder MGs ready before taking it to the track, this time with Reed Yates’ car in the front (with racing number 14 on the side)

Just about every car related magazine or internet forum these days features articles and discussions about how to get younger people interested in (old) cars. Nobody seems to have the complete answer and some even fear the end of the car hobby with self-driving electric vehicles on the horizon. Whatever your thoughts and solutions may be, there is no arguing that event organizer Bill Richey is doing the right thing taking his grand daughter Grace in his 1933 J3, the super charged version of the J2, around the track.

A beautiful sight, Bill and Greg Bollendonk in their K3 styled race car, exactly it was meant by Cecil Kimber and his staff: Safety Fast.

More racing at the NCM go-kart track. They even had two-seater karts for grand daughters and non-MG driving spouses. Here is Crystal Klemm at the wheel with Dennis riding shotgun.

(Continued on page 23)

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