Chicagoland MG Club: Driveline September 2018

The Steering Column

Dean Hickenlooper
Left Hand Drive
from our President

Well another month has come and gone. The day are getting shorter and the nights longer. It's about this time of year I begin to consider what my winter project will be. There's always which car needs the most work or several interior home jobs to think about.

But on the other hand maybe a southern Driving project could be on the list. I've always wanted to take a two or three week MG drive to warmer southern destination. Take the drive on the Dragon' Tail in Tennessee then drop in on Ralph and check out the new homestead. Then continue south into Georgia onto Atlanta stopping by an old friend Reinout to check progress on the MGC. Continuing south to Florida for even sunnier weather, stopping to visit Rich and his MGB "The Black Bear" to see his latest upgrades on the car. ( there was thoughts of a Crossflow Head)? Then driving even further south to Venice Florida to visit Betty Evens my wonderful mother in law for a few days. Taking time to hit the beach and rest up from to drive and look for a few Sharks teeth.

After recouping for a few days continue southward and across Alligator Alley, down onto the Keys to the southern most point in the USA on Key West. It's been over 30 years since I've been to Key West. I'm sure thinks haven't changed a bit.

Well it's about time I woke up from this wonderful dream........or do we just start Driving !

Rememeber .Safety Fast!

~~ Dean Hickenlooper
your humble servant


Jim Compton The Steering Column
Right Hand Drive  
from our Vice-President  

Our driving season is now past the halfway mark. Wow have we had a lot of fun this season. I want to thank all of those that have organized events. Without you we wouldn’t have all this fun. And really how much would you be driving your MG if we didn’t have these events? Would you even still own it?

What was your favorite event this year? Do you like a particular type of event? Doug Clark has come up with a great idea to acknowledge these dedicate folks. The Members Choice Award. The idea is every member gets to vote for their favorite event. The event that gets the most votes will be given an award at our awards ceremony/Christmas party. There will be more details elsewhere in the Driveline.

Do you have a car project that could use a little help? We have several volunteers willing to come provide what expertise they have and help you out. Contact either Dean Hickenlooper or Dave “Cowboy” Bralich.

What can we do to make this better for everyone? I have asked for your feedback several times. I want to hear from you our club members. Please drop me an email at I’d give you my cell phone number but that’s likely to change soon so email is best for now.

See you at the British Car Festival and at the Halloween Rally. I will be out of town for the All Aboard Tour. But Bob Dorley will be hosting it.

That’s all I’ve got this month. Safety Fast.. Jim

Safety Fast
~~ Jim Compton

British Wiring Steve's British Connection
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