Chicagoland MG Club: Driveline December 2018

books The Library Muse

I am writing this the day after Thanksgiving even though I am feeling a little tired. Deb said that I am just a faineant. Had to look that up in the Funk and Wagnall’s. Means a lazy procrastinator. I am not lazy, I am just doing my part to conserve energy and help the world stay green. No sense in doing something today when it can be put off until tomorrow. Or not done at all. But I did put the PRO in procrastinate. Anyway, I don’t feel like waxing poetic due to being in a food coma and having overdosed on tryptophan. So, let’s revisit an article originally published in the December 2004 issue of the Driveline.

Why I like MGs
“The other day I was out doing some early Christmas shopping and strictly by accident happened upon a sporting goods store. Deb could really use a new shotgun and I have found over the years that if I get her something that I want, she will occasionally let me use it. Like her ultra-light St. Croix rod with the Penn reel. I’ve even gotten to drive her new MINI once or twice. Of course, it was low on fuel both time that happened.

“At the gun counter I stand drooling over Perazzis and Purdeys, admiring their fine tooling, intricate inlays, and perfect balance. Truly fine works of art. But far too nice to take afouling in a duck blind or corn field. Then reality struck me, a Winchester or Remington shoots just as straight and is a lot cheaper to purchase, maintain, and repair. The same thing is true with sports cars. A Ferrari or fully-restored XK120 are also great works of art. But far too nice to take to a parking lot gymkhana, or down a gravel road while getting lost on a rallye. In the MG I can pretend to be Graham Hill at Watkins Glen one day and then go for a nice top down cruise the next. Affordable fun. If something breaks on the MG it is relatively inexpensive to repair. But repairs on an XK? It’s not what you have but how you use it that counts. And the friends that you use it with. Winchesters and MGs are more my style.”

No, I haven’t forgotten. As a special treat I am including a riveting book review, the first (and only) one this year. I’ll keep it brief. Happy Holidays.

Fast Guys, Rich Guys and Idiots
Sam Moses, 1986, 337 pages hard bound

This is the original version of the book, not the revised 2016 version. And autographed by the author, although not to the club. Moses was a racing correspondent for Sports Illustrated who decided to become a race driver in order to become a better journalist. This is his story of trying to find rides, sponsors, and his on again off again relationship with his girlfriend, DD. Also has some nice period b&w photos.

~~ Bill Mennell        

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