Chicagoland MG Club: Driveline December 2018

Newer Directions
Monthly Column of Driving Events

Hello Everyone!!!!

Hope your Thanksgiving was as delicious and delightful as expected!!!

Now that November has FLASHED by in a blink of the eye……it’s now time to PANIC!!!! ALL the shopping and sales, Black Friday’s every week, Cyber Mondays lasting for the entire month of December, SALES SALES EVERYWHERE!!!! It’s exhausting just thinking about it, but what a FUN time of the year it is!!! A time to enjoy the Holidays with friends and family, a time for laughter and cheer and a time for giving. That’s the best part, I think!!!

I really do LOVE December, but living here all my life I still have no tolerance for the COLD and Snow and BLOWING WINDS!!!! UGH!!! Oh well….That’s Chicago!!!!

I want to quickly recap the last (3) events of the year. The Halloween Rally organized and hosted by Phil & Sandy Wydra was another TRIUMPH! There was a GREAT review written by Phil Wydra in last month’s issue.

Steve Sparks won for Best Male Costume as the BIG BAD WOLF and Jody Simons took Best Female costume as Little Red Riding hood!! GREAT COSTUMES GUYS!!!! Bill Kalafut and Jean Heasley won 1st place for the couple’s award as Prince Edward and Queen Elizabeth….Simply BRILLANT your majesty’s!!!! The Rally winners were Tim & Jamie Schafer – 1st, Pete Psiharis & Beth Reed – 2nd place and Steve & Liz Gorr placed 3rd! Thank you again Phil and Sandy for another FABULOUS FUN FILLED RALLY!!!!!!


I must tell you, first hand, the famous Chili served at the Fall Tune Down, hosted by Dave “Cowboy” Bralich on November 4th was OUTSTANDING!!!! Despite the rainy cold weather, 13 guys gathered at Dave’s and worked on several cars that day! I had a good time myself with a half dozen ladies who showed up and congregated in the kitchen, of course, where the food and warmth was!!! Everyone really enjoyed themselves!! Thank you Dave!!!

On Thanksgiving morning, November 22nd, 10 Drivers drove and met at the HISTORICAL Rock for the Cruise to the Rock event. This was hosted and organized by Jake and Ann Snyder. Hopefully, there will be a review on how the tour went. I’m sure it was a great time as always!! Thank you again for hosting and organizing Ann & Jake!!!

I am so excited for this year’s Holiday Party on December 1st! Hopefully, many members will be there to enjoy a lovely evening!!!!! Most important, the winners of the driving events, some honorable mentions and our NEW Members Choice award will be announced and awarded!! I will have to recap on the festivities in next month’s issue!

“Whatever is beautiful, whatever is meaningful, whatever brings you happiness…May it be yours this Holiday Season and throughout the coming year”.

Happy Holidays and a VERY Happy and Healthy New year to all!!!!!

Safe travels and “MGreetings”

~~ Jamie Schafer

Steve's British Connection British Wiring
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