Chicagoland MG Club: Driveline December 2019

The Steering Column

Dean Hickenlooper
Left Hand Drive
from our President

Another year has come and gone and what an Awesome Year it’s been. Great rally’s and tours with only a few mishaps which won’t be mentioned here.

My Blue MGB V8 was driven around 5,000 miles here and there up to the convention in Traverse City, MI. and back without a glitch. The Yellow “B” got a Sebring conversion, repainted and a new interior but I’m still sorting out an engine issue. A motor swap is in the near future. I’ve built up a spare B engine which should hit around 120 bhp.

I also acquired a 1958 MGA disassembled and I mean everything has been taken apart. Not sure if I’ll try and restore or part it out. Time will tell. It’s been Great helping members on their projects with the Traveling Mechanics.

It’s been an honor serving the club and I’m confident our new President will do an excellent job.

~~ Dean Hickenlooper    
your humble servant    

MGA Guru Gone Mobile...

On the road in the Midwest.

Follow our follies at

~~ Barney and Elliot Gaylord


Phil Wydra The Steering Column
Right Hand Drive  
from our Vice-President  

To Store, Or Not to Store
that is the question.

Whether tis nobler to bestow a safe haven for my beloved chariot, or to merely stable it in thy modest home garage plays havoc on this simple mind.

Alas, winter is vigorously approaching and I am left to ponder what to do with the MG. Having a two car garage and three cars creates quite a quandary. I have sold the motorcycle but that did not free up enough room for the B. Only “Dino the Magician” can miraculously squeeze four cars into a two car garage.

Because I promised my wife that her car would always be in a warm garage, I am left out in the cold. A station in life I have unfortunately grown completely accustomed to by now.

If I keep the MG in the home garage, I can spend time over the winter attending to a few little projects that have been on my “to do” list for a while now. I have a driver’s door that needs some adjusting so it aligns better with the front wing. Perhaps I can address the leaks from around the windscreen and dash. Maybe a radio, hum?

However, if I store the car and free up the garage, I won’t have to shuffle vehicles around every time it snows just to clean the drive. Plus, it sure would be nice to get into a car in the morning without first scraping windows and waiting for the seats to warm up to a comfort level that my tush can appreciate.

In the end, I have decided to just leave the MG in the home garage. And in all likelihood, I probably won’t tackle any of the car’s projects.

But, tis the Holiday Season. That special time of year when one can dream the impossible.

So as I dream of sugar plums and a dry MG, I would like to send season’s greeting to all.       And to all a good night.

Drive safe my friends,

~~ Phil Wydra    

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