Chicagoland MG Club: Driveline December 2019

Newer Directions
Monthly Column of Driving Events

It’s HOLIDAY SEASON…..time to get out your wish list....Guys…a new MG car to add to your collection perhaps? Ladies….some jewelry or clothes!! Better yet…how about a GET AWAY somewhere nice and sunny and warm, away from all the cold and snow we are most likely going to see this month!!! Sounds GREAT doesn’t it???? Being Chicagoans, which most of us are, we are sadly acclimated to our wintery COLD weather and make the best of it because we know spring is around the corner and we will once again have our tops down and cruising about in our MGs!!!!

Here’s my wish…for a MILD, SHORT winter!!!
(And maybe some Jewelry, clothes and a warm trip!!!) LOL!!!

I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving!!!! I can’t wait to hear about the turn out for the Cruise to the Rock that took place Thanksgiving morning!

I look forward to our Holiday Party, January 11th. The awards this year are SPECTACULAR!!! I can’t wait for the presentation and to announce all the winners!!! Hope to see EVERYONE there!! It really is a WONDERFUL event!!

Hopefully, those who attended driving events turned in their vote for the Members Choice award. This award will be presented at the Holiday party as well.


If you want to get away and have a great time in late January, Jake and Ann Snyder once again are organizing another Amtrak Road trip to La Crosse Wisconsin – Friday, January 24th – Sunday, January 26th. All the details are in last month’s newsletter and most likely will be in this months as well. I hear it’s always a GRAND time!!!

I wish everyone a healthy and happy Holiday and New Year! May the coming year be filled with all the things that make you happy.

Safe Travels & “MGreetings”

~~ Jamie Schafer  

2019 CMGC and VMGCC
Members' Choice Award

As was done for the 2018 driving season, an award will be given to the organizer(s) of this driving season's favorite driving event, as determined by YOUR choices.

2019 CMGC and VMGCC Driving Season
Spring Tune-Up, Fall Tune-Down Clinics
Spring Brunch Tour
Miata Autocrosses
MGs on the Oregon Trail!
MGs on Parade in the LaGrange Pet Parade
Scottish Festival and Highland Games
Land's End Rally

MGs at Arlington Park
Westmont Cruisin' Night and Street Fair
Tally-Ho Rally
Wine, Beer, and Cheese Tour
Volo Auto Museum
Halloween Rally
Cruise to the Rock

Please e-mail YOUR CHOICE to Doug G. Clark ( with the name / title of your Choice by Sunday, 9th December 2019 so we will have time to have the Award engraved with the name(s) of the winner(s).


~~ Doug G. Clark    
- Drivers AND Navigators can choose
- Choose just ONE event: YOUR favorite
  EVENT!! Let's show our appreciation of them with choosing our favorite event!

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