Chicagoland MG Club: Driveline January 2020

The Steering Column

Dean Hickenlooper
Left Hand Drive
from our President

Another year has come and gone and hopefully you were good enough that Santa brought you what you wanted. It’s been quite the eventful year with all the rally’s, tours and conventions. Thanks to everyone for making all this possible. Without all of you this just doesn’t happen. I’m grateful for those members who take time out of there busy schedule to put together rally and tour and those who help man the various stations on the rallies. I’d also like to thank the members of the staff for doing an awesome job this year.

It’s been a very busy year for the Traveling Mechanics . We had the opportunity to work on a variety of MG car all the way from a MGTD, MGA to several MGB’S not to forget a Midget or a MGYB. Thanks to all took the time to come out an help fellow members in the club. I’ve always thought that this is what the club is all about. Helping one another to teach, learn and keep’em on the road.

My projects have been coming along slower than l like but sometimes that’s the nature of it. The Mustard 1979 “B” Sebring body conversion is complete, but I had a couple of hick-ups with the engine. So naturally I put together another engine and dropped it in. Only to find while I was pulling the other engine out I noticed that the carburetor gasket had slipped down causing a huge vacuum leak. Live and learn so now I have a spare motor in case I get a flat !

That’s all for now. Hope to see you at the Holiday Party.

~~ Dean Hickenlooper    
your humble servant    

Steve's British Connection

Phil Wydra The Steering Column
Right Hand Drive  
from our Vice-President  

By the time you read this, we will most likely be in the middle of winter’s gipping cold and quite possibly dealing with snow.

Although it is widely accepted as fact, it has never been proven to me that no two snowflakes are alike.

Growing up in Northern Minnesota, I have seen my share of snowflakes. Billions, trillions, zillions and gazillions of flakes have landed on my face over the years. To say that no two are alike is hard for me to fathom. Believe if you want, but I still have my doubts.

However, it has come to my attention that no two MGs are alike.

After acquiring my B about seven years ago, I started checking out other cars. I looked inside, outside, underside and beneath the bonnet. The differences are astounding. I have yet to discover any two MGs alike. There are SU carbs and Weber carbs. I’ve seen four cylinders, six cylinders and an occasional eight cylinder. (Overcompensating?)

My particular vehicle appears to be a mutt. It is a 1973 yet there are no sidemarker lights. I think my rear license plate holder may have come from a rubber bumper Midget. And it now sports a smaller steering wheel than when it left the plant in Abington along with different seat covers.

Under the bonnet is another story. I have hoses to nowhere and plugged openings. Then there is the entanglement of various color coded wires. I personally have not been able to break the code because they are all black. Damn that M16.

When it comes to the MG world, the only constant is the appreciation for the breed by all of the fine members of the Vintage and CMG clubs along with the friendships they provide.

Wishing all the members a safe and happy New Year.

Drive safe my friends,

~~ Phil Wydra    

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