Chicagoland MG Club: Driveline January 2022

The Steering Column

Phil Wydra
Left Hand Drive
from our President

Our Neglected MG

Last week was Labor Day, or so it seems. And then suddenly it’s January.

For us October, November and December have been a blur. We had so much on our plate we became dizzy with lists and deadlines. Unfortunately, our MG took a back seat in our day-to-day craziness.

For the past few years, we have tossed around the idea of possibly downsizing and moving in closer to the city from Fox River Grove. With two young grandchildren on Chicago’s northwest side, we wanted to shorten our drive time. Although to look at me you wouldn’t know it, I’m not a kid anymore. I’m getting too old to be climbing ladders and maintaining a two-story home. I don’t want to mow the lawn, trim bushes, trim trees, replace trim and paint trim. I’m all trimmed out. And I really don’t care to push snow around anymore.

Surfing the net one day I came across a townhome in Palatine and on a whim suggested we go see it. Well, I loved it and my wife Sandy was lukewarm about it. We made an offer, and it was accepted. We were like “what did we just do?” (By the way, she now loves it thank God.) We talked to a realtor and had our old home sold within twenty-four hours of listing it. Now it was time to rid ourselves of years of collectables and memories. Basements aren’t just for rec rooms and playrooms. Ours became a self-storage unit for three boys and an old man - me.

We hustled and we bustled, and we moved heaven and earth, but eventually we sold things, gave things to charities, and threw some things away. Now we are happy in our new lazy man’s dwelling.

Who knows, maybe I will spend more time with the MG again.

Anyway, our New Year’s resolution is to never do this again! Not even on a whim.

Have a safe and healthy 2022,

~~ Phil Wydra      


Melissa Gonzales The Steering Column
Right Hand Drive  
from our Vice-President  

As I reflect on 2021 my thought is, wow, how time flies! Even with the pandemic we managed to have some pretty awesome events last year, albeit with a few less members attending. No matter, one thing stands out and that is people had fun. Our CMGC members with caution continued on with planned events throughout last year. In fact, only one event was canceled at it was due to construction, a cancellation not in our control.

As you read this, 2022 lays in front of us with all kinds of opportunities and new adventures. For some a new automobile to drive or work on. For others a new job or perhaps travels to another state or country. I know a big one for me is to work out and increase my strength training and to reconnect with family I haven’t been able to see since last year.?

Whatever you plan for the coming year or happens to ? come your way, I just want to raise my glass to you and wish you a very merry Happy New Year!

Be safe and be healthy

~~ Melissa Gonzales    

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