Chicagoland MG Club: Driveline January 2022

Victor Lheureux
Monthly Meeting Minutes
No club meeting December


Chicagoland MG Club
New CMGC Officers
Even though this year’s election was uncontested, it is no less important than any other year. First off we’d like to thank our outgoing President Phil Wydra for all the time, hard work and dedication to the club.

Melissa Gonzales has stepped up to become our new President. Paul Pickley will serve as Vice-President. Victor L’Heureux and Jim Compton stay on as Secretary and Treasurer respectively. A thank you goes out to Dave ‘Cowboy’ Bralich for again serving as our election official.

       Elected Staff Positions                                              
President Melissa Gonzales

Melissa is the owner of 1980 MGB LE and has been a CMGC member since August 2017. She is a current member of NAMGBR and has attended the national meets. She has been involved with MGs since she was 7 years old and it has been a big part of her life. Her mother and father traveled from east to west and north to south with their MGs and she hopes to do the same. Her motto ‘keep calm and carry on the MG legacy’.
Vice-President Paul Pickley

Paul has only been in this club since April of 2020. He joined the club shortly after the purchased of his first MGB. Paul currently have a 1977 MGB that is running well. He still considers his car a project, but that's kinda what got him into these cars. Paul's father had an MGB when he was a kid which started the interest MGs.
Secretary/Membership Victor L’Heureux
Driveline Editor

Vic has been a member of the CMGC since October 2005 and has held various positions in the club organization. Vic’s red 1967 MGB has seen a lot of action in its 54 years of service and is due for a much-needed refurbishment. He currently is resurrecting a 1970 MGB garage find to act as a temporary day-driver while his ’67 is being refurbished. The project has been in progress off/on for the past year.
Treasurer Jim Compton

Jim joined the CMGC back in 2015. My buddy Bob joined me on our first Spring Chicken run that year. It’s been his job to “Navigate” (i.e. get me lost) ever since. I’ve been the Autocross Coordinator, Vice-President and am currently club Treasurer. My 1978 MGB is the second I’ve owned. My first was a 1976 that I got while dating my wife. She hated my Volvo Amazon. Like many, I sold my 76 MG to buy window treatments for our new house when my daughter was born. Life happens. In 2014 while on a family vacation my son Ross mentioned he’d never learned to drive stick shift! So we went looking for a father/son project. We found the 78 MGB in the burbs of Milwaukee. I’ve done a fair bit of work on it and have had lots of fun with the club and the car. I’ve taught my son to drive stick and we’ve a bit of a tradition where, for my birthday we go auto crossing together.

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