Chicagoland MG Club: Driveline January 2022
Special Article
Tales of the Mongrel
by Ralph Arata
The Neutralizer

Cast of Characters:
US Justice Department Head - Melissa Gonzalez aka the "Chief Fed"
The Automotive Expert - Steve Skeggs aka the "Doctor"
The Computer Genius - Dave Novak aka "Hard Drive"
The Electronics Guru - Dino Perez aka "Gadgets"
The Farms’ Mission Controller - Susan Arata aka "Ms. Simpson"
The Marksman - Russ Mehaffey aka "Gunner"
The International Arms Dealer - Bill Hedricks aka "Sir William"
The Soldier - Ralph Arata aka the "Neutralizer"
New Character - MI-6 Field Agent - Doug Clark aka "Ghost"


Melissa Gonzalez had taken the reins and responsibility for the "Farm", a super-secret black ops operation of the US Justice Department, hidden deep in the Allegheny Mountains. With the appearance of a real working farm, it was assigned the jobs direct from the US President that no one else could do. Melissa took the head job as the first female chief of the operation and reported direct to the President. Her key operative in the field was the "Neutralizer", a professional soldier whose seek & destroy skills were homed in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Introduction to the Story:

It was a cold day in Washington DC. The weather had turned chilly the day before and the morning threatened a colder rain. The water along the Potomac River was getting somewhat rough and the coming weather front proved to provide an even rougher flow for this historic waterway. A lone women walked the pedestrian trail that paralleled the river. Behind her a quorum of 4 men in long coats trailed. The woman wasn’t just the regular citizen that strolled this path but rather the chief executive of the US Justice, Melissa Gonzalez. The 4 men behind her were CIA special agents assigned to her protection. Melissa saw a man approaching her front and quickly turned to the 4 agents and told them to back off... they did!

The Chief Fed stood toe to toe with the stranger at her front. She said, "lets walk soldier". "How’s that little MG of yours treating you", she quipped. The soldier looked at her and said, "It’s a bit more than a LITTLE MG". "In fact, Doctor Skeggs back at the Farm might take offense by calling the B LITTLE", the Neutralizer’s replied. The Chief Fed chuckled and said, "I met with the President this morning, and we may have a problem that only your expertise might handle". "You need to be at Farm for a briefing by Simpson this afternoon", she went on. "I can say your destination is Manchester England".

Later that day the Neutralizer was at the Farm sitting inside the facilities’ war room waiting. He didn’t wait long. Susan Simpson, the Farm’s gorgeous and brilliant mission controller entered and sat at the head of table. She was joined by Farm’s Automotive expert, the Doctor, computer genius, Hard Drive and Gunner, a top-grade marksman and close friend who shared many missions with the Neutralizer.

"Good afternoon gentlemen", greeted Susan. "We have called here because we have a situation brewing in the north of England where MI-6 has asked for our special kind of help"! "Our English counter parts have been monitoring activity around the town of Macclesfield. "There is a small brick making facility which has been closed for many years, but 2 months suddenly began operating again". "All of the paperwork for this plant appears in order but the origin looks to be a shell company in eastern Estonia just a bit too close to a significant Russian military base just across the border".

Simpson went on. "The location is Wild Boar Clough (pronounced cluff) southwest of Manchester". "It is a desolate area mostly the moors not far from Buxton Rd and the Cat & Fiddle Pub". "There isn’t much in the way residence there but a few farms". "The issue began with local farmer complaints about an odour at certain times of the week". "The local police investigated but found nothing". "The brick plant seemed legit but on the way out the police car had a flat tyre and in the process of placing the spare found this in the tall grass". Simpson passed on a skull & crossbones sticker with a partial chemical name on it. "They thought it best to pass this on to a higher authority. CYT. MI-6 believes this to Cytotoxic which a mutation agent". "Given the odours, the rather mysterious nature of the facility and this label its time to find out more". "You and Gunner’s mission is to soft probe, investigate and if wrongdoing found to neutralize". "You will be met and assisted by an MI-6 agent at Manchester Airport who will provide more detail"
(Continued on page 15)

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