Chicagoland MG Club: Driveline January 2022
Special Article
(Continued from page 14)

With that, the mission controller turned it over to the Farm’s automotive expert, the Doctor. "Gentlemen, I have detuned the ’72 MGB somewhat to decrease weight but also all that power is not needed where you are headed". "The Buxton Road is narrow and winding so more traditional setup for the B was called for". "I have replaced the turbo/supercharger combo with a more simple single SU supercharger but foot pounds of torque will be 10 vs. the standard 6... it will get you where you need be". "I replaced the current gas shocks with the same package used by Carroll Shelby on his Ford Cobra. Should handle those tight turns in any pursuit situation". "The body shell I have swapped out the fiberglass for the armoured version as you might need that as there is a lot of open ground up there". "Everything else is the same right down to the NT 400 tires". The Doctor grinned at the Neutralizer and said, "Try to bring it home in one piece this time... don’t let Gunner drive".

Hard Drive was up next. Novak looked at the 2 soldiers with his boyish smile. "OK, guys, the sat com is still in the same place behind the B’s radio speaker and the voice activation will respond to you both". "The remotes are in the glove box". "However, the big change is you won’t be alone as I will be driving a small drone with a Matterport Pro 4 3D Camera overhead". "If reinforcements are needed MI-6 is prepared to pilot them in". "I liked the old code broken arrow to call them in". "Questions"? Arata and Mehaffey just looked at each other. Mehaffey said, "Should be fun".

The flight in the C130 to Manchester Airport, also carrying the MGB, was uneventful with both soldiers getting some rest enroute. The big USAF transport plane landed at one end of the airfield and then taxied to the other end. The plane’s cargo door opened, and the 2 soldiers left in the race prepared MGB. The C130 immediately began its taxi for take-off. Gunner looked at the Neutralizer and said, "Where the devil is our MI-6 contact". "Behind you old chap". Almost out of no where a tall lean Englishman stepped forward. "The name is Clark, Douglas Clark". "Good to see you blokes". "Its best we leave now". "I see that marvellous Leyland product your driving will not accommodate 3 so follow me - I will update your briefs via the headsets as we drive".

20 minutes later the 3 soldiers were headed north on the M6 motorway. Gunner, reading a file said to the Neutralizer, "Says here Clark’s nickname is Ghost". Arata was looking straight ahead at Clark’s car and didn’t hear the comment. "Hey Gunner, Clark’s driving a Triumph TR-250". "I wonder what he might have under that bonnet"? Almost as if Clark heard the soldier’s comment the TR took off.


WHO ARE YOU CALLING AN ANTIQUE!! I startled myself awake and turned to see Susan staring me. She was not happy being woke up by me like that. Ralph Arata, you’re having one of those silly secret agent dreams again, aren’t you? Need to be on a mission, do you? I am sending you on a mission first thing in the morning to clean out garage.

Man, a great dream again but I must learn to keep my big mouth shut!

Next - Chapter 2; < B>Soft Probe

~~Ralph Arata

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