Chicagoland MG Club: Driveline February 2020

The Steering Column

Dean Hickenlooper
Left Hand Drive
from our President

With the Winter Solstice come and gone the days are getting longer and not too far off, Spring, lingers in the wings. Hopefully your winter projects are well under way and your MGs will be ready for the first Rally. Remember the Traveling Mechanics are up and going even in the winter months. So, if you’re in need of a helping hand and someone to help you eat Donuts let us know.

So far this winter my MGB V8 has received a New and larger radiator and fan. This entailed some major cutting and welding to get the wider unit then painting back to blue to match. A new temperature switch was also installed which will turn the cooling fan on at 180 degrees. I’m hopeful this will cure the overheating problem I’ve had over the last summer.

As some of you might know I acquired a MGA over the past summer which came unassembled. It’s been sitting on the side of the garage all summer and fall waiting for a turn to get into the garage and get reassembled. But NO! Out of nowhere a 1954 MG TF showed up and slipped right in! A TF which hasn’t seen the light of day in over 30 years! How long is this car going to tie up the shop for before the MGA can get time in the garage? It’s just not fair cutting in line. I’ll have to have a talk with the shop manager. Oh wait........that me! Oh well

So, I’d like to end with a Thank You for all your support over the past two year in my position as Club President. I trust you’ll give the same support to our future President that you gave me. Thanks Again


~~ Dean Hickenlooper  
your humble servant  


Phil Wydra The Steering Column
Right Hand Drive  
from our Vice-President  


Remember when January used to be the longest, slowest, most boring month of the year? Short days followed by long nights. Cold and snow sharing the month with ice and slush and nothing to look forward to. Well not anymore. Not as a member of the MG community.

For January 2020, we had the CMGC / Vintage Club’s holiday party. The wait is over, the tally is in, and we now know who the most devoted drivers, navigators and participants are.

There were no surprises there. So, let’s shake things up next year. Let us all make an effort to challenge these winners. I invite all members to join us for a fun day of driving, touring and sometimes walking, all the while enjoying the company of the other participants.

Then there was the CMGC AMTRAK trip put together by Ann and Jake Snyder. Wow, what a great time. Good food, good friends and some great cars. Even AMTRAK contributed by having all of the trains running on schedule. And there was lots of car talk with some of the club’s most knowledgeable, members.

Now I’m motivated to start prepping the “B” for the coming driving season.

Hope to see you there.

Drive safe my friends,

~~ Phil Wydra    

Steve's British Connection
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