Chicagoland MG Club: Driveline February 2020

Monthly Meeting Minutes
January 20, 2020

Victor Lheureux
30 Members in attendance

CMGC President Dean Hickenlooper opened the meeting at 7:01. Dean recognized member Pat McStay.

Treasurers’ Report: Jim Compton reported $5,392 in checking and $18,250 in savings. For a total of $23, 642.

Library: No new books to report. Bill noted he is building a house in Wisconsin and soon will be relocation. There will be a need for a replacement Librarian.

Membership - New Members: Four new members since last month - Rich Guzzardi of Elk Grove Village IL of Elk Grove Village IL owns a 1974 MGB, Pat McStay of Yorkville IL is the owner of a 1966 red MGB, Brian Dubin of Wilmette IL owns a 1953 red MGTD and Matt Neustadt of Downers Grove IL owns a 1977 brg MGB.

Car Projects:
Kevin Carlson asked whether to purchase single or duel stainless steel exhaust. It was recommended to purchase the Sport version – single pipe.
Steve Sparks is investigating the 5-speed transmission upgrade.

Project Car – Dean noted that the MGA car is at a point to be sold AS-IS. The care is drivable with new brakes and running engine, still much work to be done to make it a road-ready car. Kim Tonry was asked to take a number of pictures for the sales brochure.


Driving Coordinator: Jamie Schafer provided updates on the upcoming events – Amtrak trip and Spring Tune-up. Working on the 2020 Driving Season calendar.

Doug Clark gave an overview of his experiences at the three national conventions for MGA, MGB and MGC cars.

Break: 50/50 raffle. Pat McStay won $43, John Kerns won a 1000-piece puzzle.

New Business
Dean Hickenlooper
attended a meeting with Matt Krajniak, Triumph club president and other sports car club staff to discuss the topic of declining memberships and maybe come up with some ideas of how to grow memberships.

Meeting adjourned 9:10

Respectfully submitted,
Victor L’Heureux, CMGC Secretary

Steve's British Connection British Wiring
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