Chicagoland MG Club: Driveline February 2023

Sharon Powell
Monthly Meeting Minutes
January 16, 2023

CMGC President Melissa Gonzales opened the meeting at 7 pm. Melissa recognized any new members in attendance - Anthony D’Arco - a recent new member, but this was the first meeting he attended. Anthony has a Glacier Blue 1957 MGA that he’s owned for 8 months, but is currently looking for an MGB. He has also been helping with getting our new website up and running. Tony brought with him a guest—Lance Martin.

Meeting Minutes:
January meeting minutes as written in the Driveline were approved.

Election results are as follows for 2023:
    Melissa Gonzales - President
    Paul Pickley - Vice President
    Kevin Carlson - Treasurer
    Sharon Powell - Secretary

Victor L’Heureux is stepping down from his role as secretary. We THANK him for the 13 years he held this position. He will remain as Editor and still handle classifieds. THANKS to Dave Bralich (Cowboy) for being the Elections Official.

Staff Reports:<
Treasurer’s report - Kevin Carlson reported the club savings and checking account balance as of the meeting date.
Librarian: Bill Kalafut brought many repair books for the members to check out. Good time over the winter to work on your car.
Membership: The current membership in good standing is 240. If you need a name tag, please contact Victor L’Heureux, as we need 4 more requests to submit the order.

No Guest Speaker this month

50/50 Raffle:
Bill Kalafut was the winner of tonight’s drawing $34 and a commemorative MG mug. Pete Psiharis selected the stained-glass ornament, Jamie Schafer took home MG wall decoration and Paul Pickley chose the CMGC MG pint glass.

Car Projects:
Bill Kalafut is finishing the body work on his MG 1100. Hoping to start putting it back together shortly.
Dean Hickenlooper got his new restored motor back in his yellow MGB, but then noticed an oil leak. Had to order a new ignition and distributor. His MG racer is ready for the GOF.

Club Project
Paul Pickley noted that the car will be moved to Tom Raddatz’s garage this week and a decision will be made regarding restoration. DeKalb Auto Works has said that they will donate an MGB motor (all done) for the project.


Driving/Club Events:
2022 Annual MG Awards Banquet being held at Maggiano’s in Oak Brook on Saturday, March 11th. This is in conjunction with the Vintage MG Car Club. Flyers were passed out at the meeting; info is in the Driveline. Response/Payment needed by March 3rd.

The All Sports Car/British Car Swap Meet will be held at the DuPage County Fairgrounds on Sunday, March 26th. Contact Jim Evans if you would like to help with set up, tear down, vendor set up or door cashiers. A sign-up sheet was passed around for volunteers.

Old Business:
Website is almost done - The team said that they are hoping to have it up and running by the end of March. Still working on online sign-up payments and membership.

Storage Locker - Jim Evans was able to get our monthly rate reduced to $150, so for now the club is not going to look elsewhere. Might bring this up again in a few months to see if we can save more money on the monthly storage fee.

New Business:
British Car Union - much discussion regarding last year rain out and possibly having a deadline for registration and shirt orders in the future.

GOF 2024: Melissa has volunteered to help Ray Costa from the Vintage MG Club with this event. Many of the members in attendance tonight also offered to help. Dates are not confirmed, looking at June/July 2024. Event will be held at the Holiday Inn Convention Center in Crystal Lake, IL. More info to follow in the coming months.

NAMGBR 2025 - our club will be the host for this event. Looking at the same venue as the GOF2024. More to come.

The meeting adjourned at 8:50 pm.


Sharon Powell
CMGC Secretary 

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