The Steering Column
Left Hand Drive
from our President
Good news!
Our first 2023 meeting is down, and it was well attended. We covered our financials, membership and upcoming events. We will be getting a new Secretary, Sharon Powell who has been a member of our club for many years. We want to thank Victor who has been our phenomenal secretary for 13 years.
We discussed our website, currently under final modifications – we are very close to completing all modifications and once complete will let all members know. The new site will be official, organized and original to the CMGC – or as I call it “OOO”. The Website team has really done an excellent job. We do have to say thank you to Barney Gaylord for keeping our website alive all these years. Barney has maintained it solo.
Another great discussion is the Gathering Of the Faithful – this years GOF will be in South Bend Indiana, if you have a chance to attend, please do so. The members of the GOF have done a phenomenal job organizing this event, starting with their website and easy registration. The Vintage Car Club of Chicago will be hosting the 2024 GOF and more information will be coming out soon. They will be recruiting several members the CMGCC to assist in conducting this event. All I can say is it will be a phenomenal turnout - “Yeah”!
Stay Safe, Fast and Healthy,
The Steering Column
Right Hand Drive
from our Vice-President
Prepare for MG Spring Fever
It’s time to get those butts in gear and finish those winter projects. I procrastinate with the best for them (just ask our editor). Now is the time for the final push. We have the Swap Meet just around the corner Sunday, March 26th. That makes now the time to kick those projects into full gear and find out what you are going to need. Personally, I have decided to push off my next major project until next winter where I drop my rubber bumpers, lower my MG, and do a new paint job. I have so much fun driving my MG I fear having a project take too long. I don’t want to miss another driving season.
For me the project is our Chicagoland MG Club project car the MGB GT. We have a lot of members showing up every Wednesday moving this project along. Hopefully I can get a regular schedule for Saturday mornings as well. I know that nobody will be able to show up every week as we all have lives and responsibilities outside of the MG life. I’m working on getting enough members involved to keep this project full steam ahead. I think we have the passenger side of the car really close to trying on the new rocker panels. That will help solidify the status of this car moving forward.
