Monthly Meeting Minutes
February 20, 2023
CMGC President Melissa Gonzales opened the meeting at 7 pm with 29 members in attendance. Melissa and the board members reviewed 2022 and 2023 initiatives and budget.
Staff Reports:
Treasurer - Kevin Carlson reported: Accounts are in good standing. Income Statements and 2023 budget available upon request.
Librarian: Bill Kalafut reported the library currently has 243 books/manuals, 49 VHS/DVD’s and a variety of rally routes available for members to check out.
Membership: Victor L’Heureux reported the current membership in good standing is 234. There are 59 2022 members that have not yet paid.
No Guest Speaker this month due to this being the business meeting.
50/50 Raffle: Bill Hedrick was the winner of tonight’s drawing $40. Members who wore their name tag were given an extra raffle ticket!
Car Projects: No new projects to report this month.
Club Project Car: Work on the project car is moving along nicely - currently preparing panels from a donor car to be fitted to the project car. Anyone is invited to help each Wednesday night ( and some Saturday mornings) at Tom Raddatz’s garage in LaGrange Highlands.
Driving/Club Events:
2022 Annual MG Awards Banquet will be held at Maggiano’s in the Oak Brook shopping center on Saturday, March 11th from 12:30 - 3:30. This is in conjunction with the Vintage MG Car Club. Response/Payment needed by March 3rd.
The All Sports Car/British Car Swap Meet at the DuPage County Fairgrounds on Sunday, March 26th. Contact Jim Evans if you would like to help with set up, tear down, vendor set up or door cashiers.
Spring Tune up, - hosted and organized by Wilbur Mennell – Sunday, April 15th.
Old Business:
The new website should be up and running by the early March. The team is currently testing logins and importing members names and info.
19 members enjoyed a weekend trip via Amtrak to the Henry Ford Museum in Greenfield Village. Was a fantastic trip according to many participating members as it was very well organized, and everyone enjoyed the train ride and hotel accommodations. A big thanks to Ann and Jake Snyder for once again setting up this annual trip.
A few members toured the Klairmont Kollections Automotive Museum located in Chicago. Many interesting cars on display. www.klairmontkollctions.com
New Business:
British Car Union - they are looking for help in setting up this event for 2023 - they are looking for help in setting up this event for 2023 - please contact Dave Bralich.
Spring Chicken Run will be Sunday, May 21st. More info to follow.
The meeting adjourned at 8:33 pm.
Sharon Powell
CMGC Secretary