Monthly Meeting Minutes
March 21, 2022
34 Members
CMGC President Melissa Gonzales opened the ZOOM meeting at 7:00 pm.
Meeting Minutes – February meeting minutes as written in the Driveline were approved.
Guest Speaker
This month Ryan Frazier of Hagerty Insurance presented a short introduction of the Hagerty Insurance for antique vehicles. Hagerty was launched in 1984 by Frank and Louise Hagerty after they could not find good insurance coverage for their wooden boats. The company initially focused on providing coverage for antique boats, and later expanded into cars and other vehicles. In 1991, the company added coverage for classic cars. Over 2 million cars are presently insured. The company adopted ‘saving driving and preserving automotive culture for future generations’ as its corporate mission. Hagerty launched Hagerty Drivers Club, offering members access to events, automotive discounts, roadside service in support of this mission.
Staff Reports
Treasurer's report - Treasurer Jim Compton submitted the following via email: as of 03/20/2022 - $10,335 checking, $25,260 savings, Total $35,595.
Librarian – nothing new to report
Membership – The current membership in good standing is 165. (with 68 members not yet renewed).
Driving Events
Jamie reported the Driving Events Calendar is filling in. Upcoming events are: Annual Swap Meet – March 27th; Spring Tune-up – April 30th; Car Safety Clinic – May 14th, Spring Chicken Run – May 22nd
Event dates are being firmed up and working on obtaining additional events for the calendar year. Members discussed the driving distances for various types of events - day trips vs overnight events.
Car projects
Bill Hedrick – remarked that the MGB-GT that he had been modifying to a V6 is still underway.
Tim Schafer – noted finally the wheels are on, engine has been reinstalled and the electrical wiring is almost complete. The Midget is almost ready for this year’s driving season.
50/50 raffle – Maynard Hirsch was the winner of tonight’s drawing - $35.
Old Business.
Website Committee –A few more refinements are needed before deployment. A member’s presentation is planned for the Award Banquet. Looking for any member familiar with the WordPress application.
Swap Meet – Jim Evans noted the Swap Meet in this coming weekend and a reminder to all those who volunteered will be admitted free. Review the sign-up sheet to confirm your commitment.
Awards Banquet – Committee of Jamie Schafer, Kerry Hickenlooper and Doug Clark have given a preliminary head count to Moretti's Ristorante & Pizzeria in Mount Prospect. Hope to get a few more signed up before the event.
New Business
Treasurer replacement – Jim Compton is requiring assistance in maintaining the club treasurer. Kevin Carlson has indicated he would be able to take on this position. Kevin had a few conditions regarding the position being reviewed by the staff.
eMail Blast! Editor – Dave Novak is looking for a replacement for this position. Dave has all the materials needed to pass on to the perspective replacement.
With no further business to discuss, meeting closed at 8:13 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Victor L’Heureux,
CMGC Secretary