Chicagoland MG Club: Driveline May 2020

Victor Lheureux
Monthly Meeting Minutes
April 20, 2020

March meeting was cancelled due to the COVID-19 virus. Hopefully we can resume our normal lifestyle in the near future.

Victor L’Heureux, CMGC Secretary

books Library Muse

I am writing this on April 22nd, the fiftieth annual Earth Day. Seems strangely appropriate considering the spanking that Mother Nature currently is giving us. This Covid-19 virus gives a whole new meaning to spring fever; 38 days under house arrest so far. But at least this time I don’t have to wear that damn ankle monitor. You have no idea how that chaffs my delicate skin.

I used to occasionally go and have a few drinks with my friends out of comradery, now I have to drink daily at home with my wife. Out of necessity. Who would have thought that we would argue over who gets to do the laundry or take out the garbage? Deb says that I go out of my way to piss her off, but trust me, it’s no trouble at all. Just a natural talent I have.

Of course I’m not wasting all this down-time. All those little chores around the house that I have (successfully) been putting off? Well they’re still not getting done, but I’m up to 6,517 straight wins playing FreeCell on the computer. In normal times I would get up early in the morning and meet some other retired old goats for breakfast at 6 AM, but now I sleep in. Some mornings I just don’t feel like chewing thru the restraints. Did get a furlough a couple of weeks back with the cruise out to Huntley to wish Diana Gonzales happy birthday. It was a beautiful day for a top down ride in the country. Thank you Melissa.

And there is light at the end of the tunnel. Let’s just hope it’s not the headlight of a freight train highballing towards us. In the meantime, we are doing well and weathering the storm. Luckily, I have an ample supply of a special restorative elixir imported from Scotland. I take an occasional dose to take the edge off.

Okay, enough of this stuff. Let’s get down to club business. Even with everything on hold right now I do have some news. We did get a new Librarian, so this should be my penultimate (I’ve always wanted to use that word) article. New member Paul Pickley, who joined the club at last month’s swap meet, stepped up to the plate and volunteered. I’ll transfer the materials over to him once we are out of lockdown. And buy him a beer at the next meeting. You should too.

I haven’t been watching TV news closely because it’s too depressing, but they still have a sports segment, even though no sports are being played. What I didn’t see on the news or in the Sunday Trib was that Sir Stirling Moss passed away at age 90 on Easter Sunday. “The greatest driver never to have won the world championship.” But four years he places 2nd and 3rd three years. At the 1958 Portuguese Grand Prix Mike Hawthorn was D.Q.ed for backing or pushing his car back onto the track after a spin and lost his 2nd place finish and the 6 points. After the race Moss successfully argued with the race stewards on Hawthorn’s behalf and got his 2nd place finish and 6 points reinstated. This gave Hawthorn the world championship by one point over…………… ..Moss. Can you imagine Schumacher, Vettle, or Hamilton doing that?

No, we don’t have any books on Moss in the library. Although he raced a variety of British cars, as far as I know none were MGs. His sister Pat Moss was a very successful rally driver in Abingdon prepared Austin Healeys. In the 1955 Sebring 12 hr. he drove to a 2nd place finish in an AH 100S, and in the 1960 4 hr. Sebring he again finished 2nd in an AH Sprite. Smaller race smaller car?

~~ Bill Mennell    

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